I am learning to speak a new language. For the first several weeks (or longer) of Natalie's life I constantly referred to her as "he." In my mind I always thought, I wonder if he needs his diaper changed, maybe he is hungry, I thing he needs to go to bed. I called her names like "buddy" instead of "sweetheart". To me a baby is a boy, I am slowly but surely learning that this baby of mine is a girl. I must admit I am still a little taken back when I change her diaper, and I maintain that changing girls is much harder than changing boys.
All that said, I am LOVING having a baby girl. I love it even more than I knew I would. I am learning to call her a she, I am learning to say sweetheart, princess, sweet baby girl etc..I am learning to speak baby girl language instead of baby boy.
I love getting her dressed every day, just the other day when I was getting her ready Sam said, "mom the princess needs a bow, which bow should we put on her today?" What a good boy, he is learning well. I love when Sam will look over at her and say in his sweetest voice, "hello princess!" I love that my boys all call her princess, even though that is not a name I planned on calling her, it has become a common name for her in our house. When she was less than a week old my mom was getting her dressed and saying, "hello pretty princess," Natalie started screaming and Sam said, "Nana don't call her that she doesn't like it!" After that we started calling her princess, my friend Sunshine got us a book called Princess Baby that we read to her often, and the name has stuck. I hope they always treat her like their princess, and she will teach them how to treat girls. I love the balance she will bring to our house. We are a crazy house of boys, I am sure she will be crazy too, but will add a certain sweetness to the mix. I love knowing that I will have a daughter who will hopefully forever be my friend. A girl always wants her mom, I hope that will be true for Natalie. I love this baby girl!
That is the sweetest picture of you with Matalie! Also, so true bout what you said regarding little girls - it is so different! She sure has a great mama!!!
Oh you two will be best friends forever! Even after she moves out and gets married and technically has a new best friend-she'll still hold you in her heart as her first true best friend!
Oh that was cute. It almost made me want a little girl-almost. I am so glad that you finally got her.
I totally get what you're saying. Just wait till the first time she tells you she wants to be a mommy when she grows up, you know you'll melt all over again!(that is until she also tells you you can't babysit her babies when she and her hubby go on vacation... :))
Baby girls are priceless! I love the pictures!!
I love her. She is so dang cute! And I love what you wrote about lazy summer days in Utah. No rules. I think if my sister saw that she'd call CPS on me. No helmets or seatbelts.... I don't know how my kids survive.
Kiss that Natalie for me!
It sounds like you are savoring every moment. Having a daughter is priceless. I love that you already know this, and think about the future and all that it has in store for you and your family. The pictures tell all. What a sweet baby. What a sweet mom.
I am sure she will always want you!!! I loved this post! You wrote so well! Sam is such a sweet and intuitive little boy!
I love these pictures...so sweet! Brennan is sitting next to me tearing up over this post. I am sure that Natalie will be your princess forever!
I sure love my boys, but a baby girl just makes everything a little sweeter. I'm glad you are enjoying every minute of it! I love the picture of you and the Princess.
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