We took a weekend trip to St. George with the Wimmer family last weekend. It was fun to be together with everyone and for Natalie to get to meet her Wimmer side of the family. I love St. George so much, I love that my kids get to go rock climbing and hiking in Snow Canyon, things I never did as a kid. When I went to St. George growing up it was all about the pool, the kids do love to swim, but they get a lot more out of St. George than just the pool.
Most of all, I love watching my kids interact with their cousins, uncles and aunts, and grandparents. It was a fabulous trip for us all!

Thank goodness I brought my Nanny along. Everytime Natalie made a peep Laurie would pick her up, it made the trip a lot easier on me. Not only was she my Nanny, but also my partner for shopping, watching movies, Diet Coke runs (beetles and all), scouting out new frozen yogurt stores, good chats etc...I am so glad this chick is in my family, she makes it all more fun! When we first got there she announced she had brought some adult movies for us to watch, of course meaning non-kid movies, but we all got a laugh out of thinking she brought "Adult Movies."
It was a fun filled trip for us all!