I promise, we looked EVERYWHERE this morning. It just turned up it Brett's office, I guess we are really bad lookers!
Brett and the boys had a blast at Fathers and Sons on friday night. I think this is the last year they will get away with leaving Sam at home. Brett said it was great, the boys ran wild and the Dad's had fun too!
Carter got the game ball this weekend at baseball. He hit two doubles and after telling me a few weeks ago that he would NEVER get the game ball, he got it. It was hard having Jacob win it first, but this week was Carter's turn! Brett is growing the beard out for me because it's Mothers Day weekend so I get to call all the shots. Now his hair just needs to grow back a little faster.
So fun - how can they not love something where they get to run around with their friends and have quality time with their dad (while they're sleeping anyway)..
Oh yeah, next year will be a good time alone for you!
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