Monday, August 16, 2010

My New Maid

Selling a house means cleaning. A lot. I feel like I am always cleaning my house. Natalie has caught on and since she's at the stage where she wants to do everything we do, she is now helping out. She loves stealing my rags and wiping things down. She's pretty cheap, but I must admit she's not very good! I especially love it when I clean the windows and then she follows with a nice wet rag. Very helpful Natalie!


tawnya said...

Melissa - where are you guys moving? Still in San Diego?

Heather said...


Is she for hire?
hopefully she'll keep wet ragging your windows and noone will buy!:0)

Jana said...

Where are you moving to? Back here to Utah!?!? She is so cute!!

The pee bush totally make me laugh. Boys will be boys!!

Laura said...

Ok, that is the cutest thing I've seen in awhile!

P.S. Don't worry, Wimmers are not moving.
(Just keep repeating that in your mind like i do...)

Valerie said...

Keep repeating it and praying. That will do it for sure. Super cute pics! I love her!