Sunday, April 18, 2010

Two Wheeling Sam!

All it takes for Sam is a little competition, and a little of him thinking we don't want him to do something. Sam's good buddy, Shane, learned to ride a two wheeler the other day. As soon as Sam saw him riding down the street he decided he wanted his training wheels off too. Brett quickly got them off, hoping Sam wouldn't change his mind. Of course as soon as Sam realized how excited we were about him learning to ride a two wheeler, he wanted the training wheels back on. So we cleverly told him we thought he was probably too young to learn to ride a big boy bike anyway, and I told Brett to put the training wheels back on. That's all it took and Sam was back on the bike asking Brett to help him. It took about 15 minutes of Brett running behind him holding on and Sam was off by himself! We were so proud of him, and he was so pleased with himself. He kept telling me all night, "I'm just so happy mommy, I am so happy I can ride a big bike!"
We all think there is a good chance we have got ourselves into a little trouble here. Sam is the kind of kid we might find riding down a busy road five miles away as soon as we turn our backs. Now that he can ride a bike, this kid might be out of here! I am still proud of him, I'll just have to keep a close watch and listen for the garage door opening!


Anonymous said...

Go Sammy! That's awesome! I remember when I learned how to ride a two-wheeler. My mom was helping me, and every time she would let go a little and I'd wobble I would scream, "Don't push me mom!" Haha. I hope Sam doesn't run away, but I can't imagine why he'd want to. I bet you guys are the nicest mom and dad on the block! :)

Heather said...

Yeah for little Sam! Parker has been asking me to learn how to ride a bike a swell - but, like you, i am not ready for him to us that much freedom and ride off into the sunset!

ferntyler said...

that's awesome - go sam! Let me know if he disappears and I'll keep an eye out on this side of town :)

Shelly said...

Good job Sam!!!! Oh how I miss our neighborhood!!!

Valerie said...

That is awesome!! Way to go Sammy!