Sunshine and I decided to take Jack and Sam to Disneyland for the day while the older kids were in school. There was a little backlash, mostly from Carter, but I explained that I got to do fun things with them all the time when they were little. I took Jacob and Carter to Sea World and the Zoo all the time when they were Sam's age and there were no older kids to worry about getting to school. It was Sam's turn, and Sam's day. I love spending time with this kid when he's nice and in a good mood. So my Sammy the Wimmer, as his best buddy Jack calls him, or Sammy the Sloth, Sammy the Snake or Sammy the Seal as we like to call him, thanks for a great day! Let's do it again sometime!
As a side note while we are talking about Sam, it still shocks me how sweet he is to Natalie. It's so opposite of his personality. Here is this person taking time and attention away from him without giving anything back to him, and he is absolutely crazy about her. He has never in her life said or done one unkind thing to her. In fact, it's the opposite. He kisses her and calls her his princess. He can't stand for her to be sad and he tries to make it better. Maybe there is hope for him after all!
I do love that Sam the Wimmer. So does Abby, even though she won't readily admit it. I love how he is with Natalie, it is so very sweet.
that is so awesome - You've inspired me, I think I'll take Lauren to the zoo tomorrow..
I love that you discovered the train! It will be one of your new favorite things! It's great for resting the feet:) I love how sweet Sammy is to Natalie. You know, he is probably learning well from his daddy. It's that genetic soft center.
That little Sammy has the cutest smile I have ever seen and I love that he is total gentleman with Natalie!
Also, isn't it so much fun to just have one child instead of all four at Disney? That sounds like fun!
Your Sam sounds so much like my
Griffin. I told my mom the other day that I needed a vacation just from Griff. That may sound horrible but he is a handful. But just like Sam, Griff is so stinkin' cute with Tatum. He gets this squeaky, high voice when he talks to her and loves to hold her and give her kisses. Maybe baby sisters are good for tyrant like older brothers!! :)
What a cool kid! And good for you. Maybe Sam has found his little heart warming niche in baby Natalie. Horray!
We are sad we could not looks like so much fun. Hopefully next time=)
That Sam (actually, all your boys) are so stinkin' cute with Natalie. It is so charming to see them love her.
Oh, Sam is one affectionate boy! that is sooo sweet!
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